the Math of Nature

December 28, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

We call rational numbers whole numbers, numbers that can contain no more because they are whole, numbers that are complete, unto themselves, full. One of these numbers added to another one of these whole numbers equals two of these perfectly whole numbers. That is rationalism. Now we have another set of numbers which we call irrational numbers. These numbers seem to live by another set of rules. Irrational numbers like Pi (the radius times Pi equals the circumference of a circle) or the golden ratio or the Fibonacci sequence seem to go on infinitely. Our modern computers have equated these irrational numbers without an end or a pattern that repeats itself into the billions of digits. For some strange reason some people spend there life trying to find an end to eternity. Each to their own i suppose (but should they really get payed for it, while others are thirsty). Possibly, many of us are quite afraid of living in a world that has a leak in everything, so we will pay anything to get an answer, an ending.

Rational numbers have no real truth in nature. One and one does not equal two, but one of a similar and different thing/concept/space equals two of a similar and different thing/concept/space.

So what! Well it may not seem to matter much to the typical consumer civilian but that may be just one very important realization that could enhance our investigations of why we are here, what our existence might mean and what we are doing with this earth.

How is that? Well if we could truly realize that everything has a slip into infinity we would have to admit that nothing we can know is truly absolute; absolutely nothing. Water is not simply H2O anymore as noted in our laboratories, nothing is the SAME anymore, only approximate, no more absolutes in anything, everything is now ultimately a mystery. No one is perfectly right, no one is an ultimate authority, everything is suspect, on trial so to speak. Is that a big deal, maybe there are multi dimensions, many gods, maybe the history books really did lie, the scriptures, the laws. Anyways, I am not here to dispute any of this, my point is that nature is not confined to absolutes that we as human beings can comprehend; not with THINKING.

Nature evolves through a process of geometry that is always based on irrational numbers. The spiral vortex curve, the egg shape, the pentagon, the golden mean, the golden rectangle and triangle, Pi, which proves in itself that there is no circle,  all circles are spirals going inwards or outwards.

This observation of nature puts us in a realization that motion itself moves in spirals, our galaxies, water, smoke, air, fire, our planets through space, electrons, sub atomic particles,  plant growth, rivers, blood, sap. Life everywhere conforms to this irrational/infinite sequence and geometry.

This brings us to the same conclusion and the grave importance of Implosive and Explosive energy motion, and here at we are attempting to educate society before it is too late for our specie and the earth. Victor Schauberger literally put natures two and two together and brought the irrational math of nature to light and invented technologies that work as nature does. The spiral of all things is either going inwards or outwards and the significance of this simple concept our science has failed to observe and understand. There are sub atomic physicists aware of this dichotomy and there are astronomers working on an energy that they presume (as Einstein also did) is heading back to the beginning of our galaxy/universe. is working on inventions that Schauberger laid out the ground work for. We believe we have prove that can now show this 'reverse energy' as clear as the wind exists through the wounded trees in our yard.

What does this all mean to you, to us, to the planet? We are in an energy crisis to say the least. We are aware that many are now aware of this, but there is an understanding of nature that needs to be understood or we will continue to create technologies that move and transform energy in a motion/direction that is devastating to Nature. This again is what Viktor Schauberger discovered. All energy moves in spiral curves naturally, this is the motion of the universe, but what is of utmost importance is that LIFE utilizes predominately the process of inward motion to evolve in a healthy manner. This is a cool process for the most part and enhances the surrounding environment with unseen life giving energies that subatomic physicists are now just beginning to believe exists.

Where do we go from here? Well to be blunt, not many are listening. Waternature are entrepreneurs with little financial support. People are in the first stage of understanding the planets problem, which is that of denial. What do people do in denial? They hide their heads in the sand. The sand of entertainment; TV, Facebook,  music, Art on their prison walls, manicured lawns and faces, humour, SUV's that need attention. They say this is all too depressing, give me some dance, sex, give me some more religion,  i'll meditate everyday, science will take care of it all and if not I've got a saviour who has promised he'd show up when it gets apocalyptic...... and quite honestly, most just don't give a damn, they just want money, personal comfort, security and god.

Well, of course, all is well in moderation and some are doing more or less than others, but believe it or not, this is one those problems that is just not going to fade away. It is not like the loss of a job, another war, a few kids; this warming our 'fire technology' has created through the wrong energy movement is possibly at a point of no return.

So many claim that they really do love there brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. That makes me wonder, "Is love just a smile on your face". Is it really all that hollow?

Here are a few lines to express the leak in nature, the road to dark matter, the zero point, the irrationality of THOUGHT.

"Some times I think there are no words but these to tell what's true, but there are no truths outside the gates of eden".  Bob Dylan

"There is a crack in everything..............that's how the light comes in". Leonard Cohen

Abstracts threat too noble too neglect, but I was so much older then, I'm younger then that now." Dylan

"Let me take you down 'cause I'm going soon.
Where Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry fields forever." John Lennon

"Ain't it just like the night to play tricks on you when you're trying to be so quiet.
We sit here stranded though we're all doin' our best to de-nigh it." Dylan

"The only thing that never changes is that we always do". Wey

And Jesus answered: "Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead. I tell you truly, Moses received not his laws from God in writing, but through the living word. The law is living word of living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves. For I tell you truly, all living things are nearer to God than the scripture which is without life.(The Essene Gospel - the Missing scriptures, 'I wonder why?')

"Truth is a Pathless Land". J. Krishnamurti


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