Where ever you are, you are!

December 28, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Where ever you are, you are, no matter whether you like it or not. What’s the point in filling your brain up with so called positive concepts. Mankind has been trying to do this for thousands of years with little results. You don’t have to try and find love, truth, god, if they exist they exist, mankind didn’t make them up and mankind cannot find them. They are beyond the reach of thought. To eliminate shit in body, mind and spirit is to come upon the other, not the other way around. So all you Facebook fanatics trying to convince yourself and the world to be positive are wasting your precious time when you could be eliminating what is not love, truth, god. Your love is not love, your race is not the answer, your belief in jesus, mohammed, budha and who have you, is not going to get you anywhere. Elimination is the job, but not with more concepts and fancy conclusions that just add to the problem. The problem is your lack of understanding in the limitations of thought. Thought put it all together, but thought can not take it apart. Observe, trust in the other. This takes much more discipline than you could ever imagine, and good luck, sometimes, life is hard.


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